
OptiLight IPL Treatments

IPL was originally used to treat discoloration and rosacea. OptiLight was developed to outperform older IPL devices and target the delicate contours around the eyes. It is the only IPL device FDA-approved for dry eye disease caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. MGD is the most common cause of dry eyes, is non-invasive, and typically results in a more even skin tone. There is no downtime and treatments last about 10-15 minutes.

OptiPlus RF Treatments

As we age, and our skin loses elasticity and the eyelids may develop a loose apposition to the eye. This warm, relaxing treatment tightens the skin and melts blockages in the eyelid glands. Treatments feel like a warm massage and last 12 minutes.

Additional Recommendations

The best results are seen when IPL and RF are done on the same day. Your eye doctor may also recommend meibomian gland expression (MGX), performed immediately after treatments to evacuate the inflammatory debris from the eyelid glands. Eye drops, supplements, and eyelid cleansers may also be prescribed based on your needs.